Weight Training Vs Calisthenics: Which is better?

     In order to answer the question “which is better” we need to figure out the benefits of both and which one is best suited for YOU. It’s not always about lifting heavy weights, getting big, or even getting shredded for some people its about being able to do what you want with your own bodyweight. That means being able to pull yourself up one handed, handstands, pushups, and the ability to challenge yourself to do things nobody imagines possible. 

Calisthenics is easier for beginners

Many calisthenics exercises are a variation of another exercise made easier or harder. This gives people small goals to achieve in short periods of time. Pushups for example are an exercise not everyone can do believe it or not. For those people they can start out doing incline pushups until they can do normal pushups. Another method people use is doing negatives. 

Cost Effective

Calisthenics requires no equipment whatsoever to start. All you need is a stable ground, 2 hands, and 2 legs and you can get started anytime for free!

Functional Strength

The skills that you acquire doing calisthenics actually transfer to other daily activities and chores. Being able to control your own body weight is something the majority of the world cannot do very well, which makes it a unique skill to have.


The mobility and flexibility you gain from calisthenics is useful for many daily activities as well. Calisthenics also improves stamina, and burns a bunch of calories!


Weight Training Is Better For Bodybuilders

Lifting weights can be a very rewarding hobby, especially for people who are willing to consistently work as hard as possible. It allows people to shape the way they want to look, allowing smaller people to get big and bigger people to get small. It not only takes tons of dedication in the gym but outside the gym as well, especially in the kitchen. Weight training allows people to target specific parts in their body and train it for strength, injury prevention, or to look a specific way making weight training better for bodybuilders.


Target Muscle Groups

When using a cable machine or dumbbells you can easily isolate a muscle group. You’re able to take the exercise extra slow and feel out where the tension occurs and isolate it in that specific spot.

Raw Strength Gains

Using progressive overload in order to make progress and gain strength is easier. It’s not always about the amount of weight but the weight normally determines how strong you are in certain muscle groups.


Going to a gym you get  access to loads of equipment that make it easy to choose what your next exercise is gonna be, and makes it easy to keep proper form and technique. If you don’t have access to a gym then the equipment will be limited, and calisthenics might be a better option for you. 

Benefits Of Doing Both

Keeps you more motivated

     Variation in exercise keeps you from getting bored or burnt out. Working different muscle groups will also make you more well rounded, leaner, and stronger. 

Weight Training

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Increased muscle size

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Target Muscle Groups

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Strength Benefits

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Core Strength

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Fat Loss

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Flexibility and Mobility

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So Which Is Better?

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Why Doing Both Is The Best

Learn Functional Skills Faster

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